"The Fox In The Hen House"
The recommendation to the Obama administration that the telephone companies keep records by his independent panel is also
like asking the 'fox to guard the hen house'. Looking at their track records I trust corporations less than I trust the government. With all the new electronic and computer technologies developed by private companies the opportunity for wrong doing by them to violate not only privacy but intellectual property rights is great.
A week ago I read this story via YahooNews and I made a comment about the danger of property rights violations. Since then I saw a 60minutes report on CBS that enlightened more to where the problem lies. From statements made by the Directors of the NSA it's become clear to me that individuals within any organization are the source of violations. What needs to be done now is to ask public and private organizations to police themselves. The US Department of Justice and local District Attorneys can be called in when a Complaint is made by anyone, inside workers or the victim citizens.
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